Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Proverbs Chapter 7

The Warning Against Adultery
Barbara Williams

A Warning is defined as cautionary advice, advance notice of something and/or a statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation. Even though this chapter is directed toward young men this same advice is for young women as well.  If we keep God’s Word in our hearts and follow His Commandments, it will protect us from the traps that the enemy tries to lure us into.
Proverbs 7 begins by God telling us to keep His Words and His commandments in our hearts and at our fingers reach. To write them upon the table of our hearts.

1 Corithians 10:13 (NIV) – The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.

Sometimes it may be as simple as saying no and other times it may be just removing yourself from certain environments. I was once told that certain decisions I may have to make could cause me to look at it in a way of Mind over Matter. I understood that as thinking before I take the next step.  Ask myself is this going to help me or harm me, lead me into a better position or make things worse for me, is this something I can be proud of or ashamed of?

We must be aware of how the enemy can make something bad seem good. Appearances may look good, but everything that looks good isn’t good for you. The sound of the words being spoken sound good but what are they leading you to do? The right thing or the wrong thing, to God or from God?

Exodus 20:14 – Thou shall not commit adultery.
Hebrews 13:4 – Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.

This woman of the night, approached this young man as it was getting dark, dressed seductively and she spoke seductively. She told him that he’s the one that she’s been looking for. Then she told him of what she had waiting for him in her bed then going on to make it seem safe by saying her husband is away. In other words, don’t worry about him seeing us or catching us because he’s gone on a long journey and won’t be returning for a while.

Ladies and gentlemen, God is Watching! The scripture from Exodus is one of the Ten Commandments and even though we are living under Grace it doesn’t mean there’s not consequences for what you do.

Numbers 32:23 – Be sure your sin will find you out.

Look at the set-up by the enemy: The Five Senses
Sight: Seductive, which means she was had the right dress on that fit her and showed all the curves in all the right places. Revealing what was formed on her body and also walking in such a way that it was hard for the young man to resist.
Touch: She wrapped her arms around him.
Hearing: She told him that she had been looking for him. She spoke to him of what she had prepared in her bed.
Smell: She perfumed her bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
Taste: She kissed him…
Breakdown: She came out looking good, smelling good, talking a good talk, hugging and kissing on this young man. Not really giving him a chance to think long or resist her. That’s why we have to be prayed up and the Word of God hidden in our hearts. Sometimes we will be approached suddenly and it can catch us off guard if we aren’t.

Now Ladies reverse this as though it was a man approaching you…

We need to make wise decisions for how we really want to live our lives. The weight that comes with continuously operating in a sinful nature can be unbearable and even cause other problems and lead you into other sins.

1 John 1:9-10 – If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Word is not in us.

Be careful what you allow your eyes to see and your ears to hear. At all times be aware of who you allow to approach you. What’s their motive? In the end the young man gave in to how she was making his flesh feel.

Galatians 5:16 – This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

God loves us but he hates our sins. Because He loves us so much he gives us chances and choices. I pray that if this is your situation that you will pray and ask God to forgive you and allow Him to cleanse your heart and your mind.

James 4:7 Resist the devil and he will flee.

© 2015 by Barbara Williams. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Proverbs Chapter 6

Don't Be A Fool!

Karen Holmes

Proverbs chapter six teaches us that we are not to become slaves to or slothfulness. We are to use our time wisely as the little ants do by constantly gathering food and resources so in the day when is less, we would have more than enough.

Proverbs 6:16 states six things that the Lord hates, that bring distaste to Him, and that we are to stay away from. We have to practice self denial in order to live this christian life. Self denial is possible when we die daily to the flesh. We are to be mindful of our tongue so that we will not fall short or make someone else fall, including gossiping of falsehood. 

Words can be very damaging and could lead to misunderstanding and miscommunication. As Christians we should use our words wisely for affirmations, encouragements and edification of the saints. Proverbs 6:20 warns us against adultery. We are to remember what our mothers & fathers taught us a child and now as adults we are to never have lust in our hearts, or chase after someone else's spouse. This bring a disconnection within the family structure and many people will get hurt as a result of it. God is always concern about the whole entire family.There is a punishment to be handled out by God himself. God hates thieves and he will also deal with them seven-fold. 

Proverbs is dealing with two main things: the heart and the mind. So that we are able to keep God's commandments. As children we were raised to honor thy mother and thy father so that our days shall be long and we may be blessed. 

Finally my brothers & sisters it is wise to follow the commandments that God has set for us and to honor our money, time and most importantly our spouses. Things have a way of working if we seek God first in every area of our lives including marriage.

© 2015 by Karen Holmes. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Proverbs Chapter 5

Don't Cheat!
Jasmine Gillespie

What I got from Proverbs 5 is that being an adulterer is foolish and in the end the person helping commit adultery will eventually suffer. It talks about a woman whom is a adulterer she has the lips that drip honey, and nothing comes good from her. She tricks you and is never true to herself or others. The father speaking to his sons in Proverb 5 tells him that a man who commits to a woman who commits adultery will never find good loyalty and all his riches will go to strangers. In the end he will feel foolish and regret his decision. In verse 18-22 it says why love the wife of another man when God will send you genuine love whom you should never get dissatisfied with. It also says that the Lord watches a man's path very closely and to be an adulterer will never bring any good to your life. You will die foolish.

© 2015 by Jasmine Gillespie. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Proverbs Chapter 4

At All Cost Get Wisdom
Mona Williams

Solomon begins this chapter by sharing what his father shared with him concerning wisdom. He stresses the importance of being obedient to parental instructions. As a parent I often use the phrase, "been there done that". We give our children these same instructions of our life's experiences hoping to deter them from pitfalls in life that we have suffered as adolescents. Wanting to shield them from the experiences most call "Growing Pains".

As children reach adulthood we as parents have to learn to draw the line and cut the cord. We have to allow them to learn from their own personal experiences and mistakes. It's not easy by no means, but it is necessary. It is all apart of becoming an independent adult. God is teaching that in listening to wisdom we save ourselves a lot of headaches, heartaches, and setbacks. Yes we will have them but by following good godly instructions from parents, pastors, and mentors they can be minimized.

Hearing sound truths of God's Word coupled with obedience will cause us to gain the wisdom of God. I like to call wisdom: learned experience. If a parent warns their child not to touch the stove because it is hot, but the child touches it anyway and burns his hand, that child will not touch it again not because he was warned, but because he has experienced the pain of the burn. Learned experience!

Following wisdom will grant us longevity, prosperity, and purpose. Wisdom is more valuable than any precious jewel. We are to pursue it as if our life depended on it.

Solomon continues to go in depth regarding staying free from theose who practice wickedness. The wicked are driven to wrongdoing continuously. Always scheming on the next caper of mischief. They are destroying their life and the lives of others who yield to this type of crowd. They are blinded by their sin, which causes them to continue in it, making them operated in folly (lack of understanding). The phrase goes "if we know better, we will do better". The blinders of sin does not allow the wicked to even take into consideration the road of demise they are traveling on. They know but choose not to care about the consequences it involves. Living life of chances, hoping to escape what is rightly due to those who commit these devious acts, but continuing in them. Staying clear away from them is operating in wisdom. Turning from wickedness is operating in wisdom. Continuing to ignore it is operating in foolishness.

Lastly, we are instructed to GUARD our heart. Our heart is the seat of our emotions, the house of God's spirit, the place where decisions are made and words are spoken from. The christian life hangs on this twenty-third verse. Not only are we to watch what we allow in our hearts, we are to keep our focus on the Lord. Stay on the narrow path. Stay in God's timing. Hearken to good godly instructions, avoid evil and hanging with evildoers, keep our hearts pure, and keep our eyes on the prize which is Jesus Christ.

I am a Certified Life Coach using Christian values to motivate and inspire others. My new release is The Ten Commandments of Purpose. I've also, published a series of journals to help others fulfill all that God has for them. Follow me on Facebook or visit my website here.

My Motto: "Pushing People to Purpose, One Goal at a Time!"

© 2015 by Mona Williams. All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Proverbs Chapter 3

Trust God
Michelle Walker

Base on reading chapter 3 of proverbs I just want to take the time to reflect on verses 3-1-3-35

I believe that you have to have obedience to God's commandments, so that health and peace may commonly be enjoy while on earth because our days may not be long on the earth. God's mercy to us is promising that we will live forever in heaven. We should also keep interest in His Word as He continue to speak to us. Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and know that He's able to do what's best for us. I also got out of reading the chapter that there is not a greater enemy to the fear of the Lord, than being self-conceit in our own wisdom. We should know that there is no precious jewels or treasures worth being compare to true wisdom. We should not suffer alone because Christ's words says, He will not leave us. I also learned that if we follow God's wisdom, we shall be kept from falling into sin or trouble. We should love each other like God loves us.

© 2015 by Michelle Walker. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Proverbs Chapter 2

Are you Making Wisdom your Priority?

Livinice Wooten

The key word in the Book of Proverbs is "Wisdom".

Living a Godly life in a unGodly world is a battle within itself. We are often torn between our earthly life and our spiritual life. This is where the two meet and the battle begins. Most of us know it is unfeasible to make wise choices when we are not discipline. Proverbs 2:6 says "The Lord grants wisdom". Yes, the Lord freely gives you wisdom, He helps us differentiate between right and wrong.

God is a God of free will, but as believers this is where our faith and obedience comes in to play. Some of us choose to evade God's wisdom for pure self satisfaction, finding ourselves "wandering in wilderness" so of speak or like a seed planted on concrete. Constantly at a stagnant state. Some of us become content, in many respects, resume life, of travail.

However, there is light at the end of the tunnel, Proverbs 8 (praise of wisdom) she standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths. Just when you and I are perturbed, God's wisdom is there! At every fork in the road!

© 2015 by Livinice Wooten. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Proverbs Chapter 1

Follow Wisdom
Donna Evans

Proverbs was written by Solomon, the wisest man on earth. How did he become so wise? Because he asked God for wisdom.

The book of Proverbs is written for the believers of God.Chapter 1 tells us that we have a choice in our lives. We can do what is right or do what is wrong.

Proverbs 1 also lets us know that if we trust and believe in God and have respect for God, he will give us wisdom. If we deserve it, when we have wisdom, we will be able to use discretion when we make choices on a daily bases. We will learn to be fair and see what is obviously right.

Chapter 1 also tells parents to live righteous before their children to set an example. Let your children know to run from evil deeds and not follow the crowd. That will only lead to destruction. God will turn his back on them, they must understand the law of reaping what you sow. But on the other hand, do what the Lord says to do and you will have no desire to do evil. In the end we have a choice, we can make our bed soft or hard. Follow wisdom.

© 2015 by Donna Evans. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Proverbs Study in March

Starting March 1st

31 Christian friends will be featured delving into the book of Provebs. 

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Proverbs Chapter 24

More Wise Sayings
Katherine Shelby

You are blessed when you walk in godly council and delight in the law of the Lord. Meditate in the word of the Lord daily. He who is rooted and grounded in the Lord will yield good fruit in a timely manner. Do not follow after those who devise evil, but be clothed with the Wisdom of God. Seek to help those who are down trodden. Choose not to ridicule their situation for it will displease the Lord and his wrath will be turned on you. Be fair in your judgment. Have a good reason to speak against your neighbor. Live to make peace for in doing so you will be a blessing. Do not uphold the evil doers. For you are accountable for the choices you make. A lazy man shall choke on his own weeds because he has not attended to the things of God. He will be his own downfall.

© 2015 by Katherine Shelby. All Rights Reserved.

Proverbs Chapter 23

Take Control

LaTara Lane

During my study time, of Proverb 23 chapter 1, I was reminded to be careful of how to conduct myself while sitting at the table with others. It was a reminder to me that you can't eat at the table with everyone because, at times, they will try to test you. People will try to break you and take you out of your character. I was also reminded to be careful while being around grudgeful people. Grudgeful people will want to push you to the back of the line all the while pretending to have your best interest at heart. Grudgeful people will have you believing that they want you successful. However, they have hopes that you fail. Grudgeful people will want you to be content on their level. It is this kind of person, who does not want you to be behind them because they can't see you. Neither do this type of person, need you to be in front because they will despise you and want your blessing. These people do little to no work to obtain their riches and glory. They are overcome by a feeling of contentment, because of what they have obtained through their deceitfulness. Grudgeful people are stingy with you, others and themselves. Grudgeful people feel this is all that they deserve, and they do not want to grow or get out because they have gotten comfortable. Wasting your time talking to fools is also not advisable. No one wants greater for you than our Creator. It is okay to work to provide for yourself and those connected to you but don't kill yourself working for material things. All that was given to you and all that you have worked for can also be taken away. If all you work for becomes the sole reason for working you will die empty and unfulfilled. God is the only person who can fill your every desire and voids. Remain humble while working and carrying out day to day activities and chase after God as much as you chase after money. Consequently, you can inhabit a happy life. Until the day, we are called home by God. God has the best intentions for his children and wants all of our needs to be met through him. To obtain all that God has for us, we must study God’s word. God has provided us with a blueprint to study which shows us how to stay in his will. A person can begin to understand God’s will and intentions by first opening our minds and hearts. As we heed to the knowledge and attend to the work that is needed for us to prosper, we begin to flourish in all things that are Godly in our lives. In following God’s blueprint, expectations to teach and discipline our children just as God teaches and disciplines us becomes our mandate. We also carry the order that compels us to prevent hurt, harm and danger to ourselves and others that will eventually lead to death. Sometimes we go through things in life we think that the answer is anywhere but with God. Or, we allow the enemy to play with our minds instead, and then we feed our fears by saying God is outraged with us. During this time, we often feel as if God do not and will not hear us as we pray. In this state of mind, we turn to a bottle or anything but God. As we awaken, the next morning, we discover the same perplexing problems have not been solved. Without God, we have no hope, yet we try to pray things will get better. In order to have hope, We must have an audience with God. It is in this audience we realize that the resolution has all the while rested in God’s intentions and will for our lives.

© 2015 by LaTara Lane. All Rights Reserved.

Proverbs Chapter 22

Healed through Discipline

Dargeia Lampkin

A good name is a reward of good behavior, a token of esteem of family,friends,church family, community, and one of W
isdom's most valuable prizes. Living wisely and traveling the path of wisdom results in a good name. But it does not come without challenges.

In reading Proverbs 22, I thought about how this scripture affected me and I have to say I'm in a better place now because admonition urges me to keep my eyes on the Lord, trusting Him to give me the power & strength to keep walking in the path of wisdom.

Verse 6
Train a child up in the way he should go, And when he is old he will never depart from it. This scripture was very challenging. I have to say that I have raised my children in the ways of God, but at times it has resulted in heartache and a feeling of failure for me who have trusted God, but yet I've seen my children stray at times. But after with many tears and much prayer I had to realize that God has given every individual including my kids the freedom to choose his own way! I had to give them back to the One that created them, so that they can develop their own relationship with Him! This verse is not necessarily a promise but more likely a warning to parents to break the willfulness of their children & direct them to God's way!!!

© 2015 by Dargeia Lampkin. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Day 21, Proverbs Chapter 21


Kimyatta Mayfield

The 21st chapter of Proverbs is basically a breakdown of what The Lord expects of us. What is pleasing and acceptable to Him. Doing what is right and fair is more acceptable to The Lord than offering a sacrifice. (Vs 3) We often have to make decisions in life, where the right choice may be difficult, during those times we should ask ourselves, would God be pleased with my actions? Every day life is a battle of good versus evil, as Christians we know the difference between right and wrong, but many times our flesh takes over and gives in to evil. This is where we are supposed to take "The Word" and apply it to every area of our lives. No human wisdom, understanding or plan can stand against God. No matter how we may prepare for battles, victory comes from God. Whatever trials and tribulations we may face, in the mighty, matchless name of Jesus we will always have the VICTORY!

© 2015 by Kimyatta Mayfield. All Rights Reserved.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Day 20, Proverbs Chapter 20

Wise Walkers
Monique Fields

The chapter that I am writing on is Proverbs 20. It is a chapter full of principles on business, integrity, honor and knowledge. Here are some of the key principles found in this chapter.

Have a Vision: Proverbs 20:24 (AMP) - Man’s steps are ordered by the Lord. How then can a man understand his way?

Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary poses the question, “How can we form plans, and conduct business, independently of the Lord?” It is God who provides and allows for grace, mercy and favor. He is at the root of our success and allows us to prosper in every area of our lives. Please note that prosperity does not just include monetary gain or prize possessions, it also includes what is most important to you… health, strong relationships, etc. 

What vision do you have for your life? How does God or his people benefit from that vision? Having a vision requires goals. If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there? I often hear that in order to make a humongous goal more manageable, take one step at time. However, sometimes those small steps seem a lot larger than what they actually are, especially when you are stepping out of your comfort zone. This is where faith comes in. God’s will for your life is for you to prosper so you will do just that. Believe that you will receive. Walk in faith.

Now this does not mean that you will never fail and that everything will go as you planned. Steve Harvey summed it up nicely in his book, “Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success”. He said, “I learned that failure doesn’t have to be this life-shattering, I’m never-going-to-do-this-again experience but is in fact an opportunity to gain a valuable learning experience.” He then went on to say, “Failure is not here to defeat you but to give you the power to gain those life experiences that you can come back to and learn from again and again.” I’m guilty. I have said that I wish I had done something differently or I have said that I wish I had never done it at all since it did not have the expected result but guess what… I learned some valuable lessons.

Preparation is Key: Proverbs 20:4 (KJV) – The sluggard will not plow by reason of cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing. 

In order for the crops to grow (harvest), the farmer must loosen or turn the soil (plow) to allow for the seed to be planted. In the right season, at the right time, the harvest will come. It takes a certain amount of preparation to reap a harvest. Preparation can come in many forms. You could do things such as go to a 4-year college, a trade school, or read books on your craft. The options are limitless and vary based on your individual goals and objectives. Whitney M. Young Jr. once said “It's better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.” 

Proverbs 20:15 (KJV) says There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel

The knowledge you gain will not only help you keep the gold and rubies (or whatever is most important to you) but it will provide you with the resources needed to obtain more and give more. This scripture reminds me of Proverbs 4:7 which talks about getting wisdom and while getting wisdom, we should get an understanding.

Walk in Integrity: Proverbs 20:7 (KJV) - The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.

Wikipedia defines integrity as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. How does that saying go? If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. Stand for what you believe in and what you know is right. Sometimes doing the right thing does not have the outcome that you would expect. Galatians 6:9 says that we should not become weary in well doing because in due season we will reap if we faint not. Stand anyway.

Every Argument is not Worth Entertaining: Proverbs 20:3 (KJV) - It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.

Strife as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary is bitter sometimes violent conflict or dissension Know that every battle is not worth fighting. Every comment or opinion is not worth responding to. Choose wisely. Some people may never understand who you are because of your uniqueness. Some may never see where you are going because the vision is not for them to see. It is for you.

Use Discernment: Proverbs 20:5 (KJV) - Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.

I John 1:4 says that we should test the spirit we are interacting with to make sure it is of God because there are so many false prophets. This not only apply to people in church but also people you encounter day-to-day. In my quest for real estate investments, I am continuously learning and growing. I have met people who have deposited knowledge and more strategic ways of doing things into me. I have also heard so many get rich quick schemes or programs that require thousands of dollars that prey on the emotions of those trying to go the next level in real estate. I often find myself asking… What is in it for them? What is in it for me? The counsel, or advice, that is in the heart of man can be a treasure uncovered or an ulterior motive revealed. 

I will conclude this blog with an article on RIS Media that summarizes a speech former Mayor Rudy Giuliani gave at the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World (Leading RE) annual conference February 11. The article was entitled, “6 Lessons for Leadership from Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani”. I included his 6 lessons below because some of the lessons include principles described in Proverbs 20. You might say, well I am not in a leadership role. There is a leader in everyone. Certain situations or environments may cause you to tap into your leadership skills more or less than others, but a leader is within you. 

Below are former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s six essential components of a great leader:

1. You have to have a vision. “You can only lead if you can look into the future, said the former mayor, who noted that agents and all leaders need to be able to predict growth and change. And, Giuliani believes not only do you need to have a vision, but you need to be able to share it. “People can only follow you if you announce your plan-they can’t follow you if you don’t tell them where to go.”

2. You have to be an optimist. “In order to be a great leader, you have to be an optimist,” said Giuliani. “This doesn’t mean you see the world as wonderful and great. It means being a problem solver.” The former mayor stressed the importance of switching your focus from problem to solution “An optimist is able to infuse in an organization the idea that we can get it done”

3. You have to have courage. “Leaders are risk takers, because when things aren’t going well, you‘ve got to make changes,” said Giuliani. “You have to have the courage to take the risk to do something different.”

4. You have to track your progress. Giuliani emphasized the importance of goal driven metrics to measure your improvements, so that you’re able to fully understand if you’re on the right track toward your goals. “There’s no better way to re-energize people than with success. Positive energy feeds on itself.”

5. You have to be relentlessly prepared. “Think of the worst case scenario, and then prepare yourself for it,“ Giuliani said going on to note the importance of cyber protection from bottom to top.

6. You have to love your team. “If you want to be a good leader, like the people you work with.” These people should be important to you, and –noted Giuliani-you have to make them feel important. “If you want your people to go above and beyond, to pitch in their ideas and contribute, you have to love those people.” And what happens when you fail? You learn. Giuliani noted that he learned more from losing the election than he did from the two times he won it. “Nobody likes failure, but you can use it to figure out how to do it better next time.”

© 2015 by Monique Fields. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Day 19, Proverbs Chapter 19

Righteous Learning
Kimberly Casara

We can take from God's word in this scripture is to learn to be righteous in spite of others. Be righteous with others even your enemies. A righteous person can be trusted and can be consistent because he has great integrity. God forgives us everyday, who are we to hold on to anger and judge others. This scripture teaches us to be doers for God, to show how God's mercy is everlasting. We are suppose to have great morals, be pious, and humble. It is hard to practice being righteous on a daily basis because there is always someone who will get in the way of you being positive. We must learn to move pass those type of people and situations, and learn to pray for our enemies, neighbors, family and friends. We must learn to stop complaining and just praise God for what we have. We must be considerate to others, be giving and loving in spite how others may mistreat us. We must respect the word of God remembering how He wants us to live. It's not enough to go to church once a week and pray here and there. It's so easy to love those who are willing to accept righteousness, but we must challenge ourselves and reach out to those who are harder to transform to God's word. God is LOVE! In every situation good or bad we must learn to put God's word first. Plain and simple just keep in mind the acronym WWJD.

© 2015 by Kimberly Casara. All Rights Reserved.