Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Proverbs Chapter 23

Take Control

LaTara Lane

During my study time, of Proverb 23 chapter 1, I was reminded to be careful of how to conduct myself while sitting at the table with others. It was a reminder to me that you can't eat at the table with everyone because, at times, they will try to test you. People will try to break you and take you out of your character. I was also reminded to be careful while being around grudgeful people. Grudgeful people will want to push you to the back of the line all the while pretending to have your best interest at heart. Grudgeful people will have you believing that they want you successful. However, they have hopes that you fail. Grudgeful people will want you to be content on their level. It is this kind of person, who does not want you to be behind them because they can't see you. Neither do this type of person, need you to be in front because they will despise you and want your blessing. These people do little to no work to obtain their riches and glory. They are overcome by a feeling of contentment, because of what they have obtained through their deceitfulness. Grudgeful people are stingy with you, others and themselves. Grudgeful people feel this is all that they deserve, and they do not want to grow or get out because they have gotten comfortable. Wasting your time talking to fools is also not advisable. No one wants greater for you than our Creator. It is okay to work to provide for yourself and those connected to you but don't kill yourself working for material things. All that was given to you and all that you have worked for can also be taken away. If all you work for becomes the sole reason for working you will die empty and unfulfilled. God is the only person who can fill your every desire and voids. Remain humble while working and carrying out day to day activities and chase after God as much as you chase after money. Consequently, you can inhabit a happy life. Until the day, we are called home by God. God has the best intentions for his children and wants all of our needs to be met through him. To obtain all that God has for us, we must study God’s word. God has provided us with a blueprint to study which shows us how to stay in his will. A person can begin to understand God’s will and intentions by first opening our minds and hearts. As we heed to the knowledge and attend to the work that is needed for us to prosper, we begin to flourish in all things that are Godly in our lives. In following God’s blueprint, expectations to teach and discipline our children just as God teaches and disciplines us becomes our mandate. We also carry the order that compels us to prevent hurt, harm and danger to ourselves and others that will eventually lead to death. Sometimes we go through things in life we think that the answer is anywhere but with God. Or, we allow the enemy to play with our minds instead, and then we feed our fears by saying God is outraged with us. During this time, we often feel as if God do not and will not hear us as we pray. In this state of mind, we turn to a bottle or anything but God. As we awaken, the next morning, we discover the same perplexing problems have not been solved. Without God, we have no hope, yet we try to pray things will get better. In order to have hope, We must have an audience with God. It is in this audience we realize that the resolution has all the while rested in God’s intentions and will for our lives.

© 2015 by LaTara Lane. All Rights Reserved.

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