At All Cost Get Wisdom
Mona Williams
Solomon begins this chapter by sharing what his father shared with him concerning wisdom. He stresses the importance of being obedient to parental instructions. As a parent I often use the phrase, "been there done that". We give our children these same instructions of our life's experiences hoping to deter them from pitfalls in life that we have suffered as adolescents. Wanting to shield them from the experiences most call "Growing Pains".
As children reach adulthood we as parents have to learn to draw the line and cut the cord. We have to allow them to learn from their own personal experiences and mistakes. It's not easy by no means, but it is necessary. It is all apart of becoming an independent adult. God is teaching that in listening to wisdom we save ourselves a lot of headaches, heartaches, and setbacks. Yes we will have them but by following good godly instructions from parents, pastors, and mentors they can be minimized.
Hearing sound truths of God's Word coupled with obedience will cause us to gain the wisdom of God. I like to call wisdom: learned experience. If a parent warns their child not to touch the stove because it is hot, but the child touches it anyway and burns his hand, that child will not touch it again not because he was warned, but because he has experienced the pain of the burn. Learned experience!
Following wisdom will grant us longevity, prosperity, and purpose. Wisdom is more valuable than any precious jewel. We are to pursue it as if our life depended on it.
Solomon continues to go in depth regarding staying free from theose who practice wickedness. The wicked are driven to wrongdoing continuously. Always scheming on the next caper of mischief. They are destroying their life and the lives of others who yield to this type of crowd. They are blinded by their sin, which causes them to continue in it, making them operated in folly (lack of understanding). The phrase goes "if we know better, we will do better". The blinders of sin does not allow the wicked to even take into consideration the road of demise they are traveling on. They know but choose not to care about the consequences it involves. Living life of chances, hoping to escape what is rightly due to those who commit these devious acts, but continuing in them. Staying clear away from them is operating in wisdom. Turning from wickedness is operating in wisdom. Continuing to ignore it is operating in foolishness.
Lastly, we are instructed to GUARD our heart. Our heart is the seat of our emotions, the house of God's spirit, the place where decisions are made and words are spoken from. The christian life hangs on this twenty-third verse. Not only are we to watch what we allow in our hearts, we are to keep our focus on the Lord. Stay on the narrow path. Stay in God's timing. Hearken to good godly instructions, avoid evil and hanging with evildoers, keep our hearts pure, and keep our eyes on the prize which is Jesus Christ.
I am a Certified Life Coach using Christian values to motivate and inspire others. My new release is The Ten Commandments of Purpose. I've also, published a series of journals to help others fulfill all that God has for them. Follow me on Facebook or visit my website here.
My Motto: "Pushing People to Purpose, One Goal at a Time!"
© 2015 by Mona Williams. All Rights Reserved.
stop , look, and listen, to what is happening all around you, don't walk in those shoes.
Late with reading this, but it came right on time. It's easy to get consumed of this world especially when you are seeking answers.
That's right mama Powell!
Yes! We have slow down and evaluate.
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