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Minister Wanda A. Cash |
Teacher, Evangelist and Tent-maker
The name Priscilla was a nickname and a familiar name. Prisca was her former name.
Priscilla was a woman of Jewish heritage and one of the earliest known Christian converts, who lived in Rome.
She was well-known as a godly, spirit-filled woman married to a spirit-filled man named Aquila. They were first century Christian missionaries. They were listed among the "Seventy Disciples." As an entrepreneur she worked as a Tent/leather Maker along with her husband.
Priscilla was an individual with a purpose in the Lord Jesus even though she was married. She showed her husband Aquila respect. She is described in the New Testament as providing a "presence" that strengthened the early churches.
She was known as a teacher of the gospel, an Evangelist(spreading of the gospel) and friendly. She was often thought of as having been the first example of a female teacher in the early church history. She taught in Ephesus and to anyone who would listen about the crucifixion of Jesus and there was no doubt she was successful. So successful that she and her husband established a church in their home. They were leaders of the growing Christian community and had become authorities in teaching the gospel.
The Governor released Paul from prison in Corinth. After these things, Paul departed from Athens to Corinth. There he found a certain Hebrew named Aquila, born in Pontus, later he came from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius commanded all Hebrews to depart from Rome and come unto them with the same craft and occupation (tent makers) as them.
Priscilla and her husband was faithful and loyal to Paul and his fellow followers in the ministry. Paul greet them in one of his letters. Paul was generous in his recognition and acknowledgment of his obligation to them (Romans 16:3-4).
It is written on the "roll" that one-third of the named on the roll were women, which record the prominent place women held in the church at that time in Rome.
In the roll call of friends mentioned in Romans chapter 16, Paul gave a short description of each one. Of Priscilla, he mentioned the fact that she and her husband had risked their necks to help him in various ways.
She was trusted by Paul to manage the infant church that he left behind and she taught the gospel as Paul had done. Neither of them had met Jesus of Nazareth physically, but their faith was strong. Without Priscilla and Aquila to teach and organize the church, it may not would have blossomed as quickly as it did.
Eventually, Priscilla had to let go of her pulpit, hoping that her teaching would be faithfully passed on. This happened due to Apollo's skill at talking and arguing so he passed on her teachings to the Jews in the public arena-something she as a woman was not allowed to do.
The Christian church beginning with Jesus had a radical view of the status of women. Jesus demonstrated value both to men and women equally, being made in the image of God.
Therefore, what Priscilla could not do, due to tradition and customs, God guaranteed us as women today the opportunity to preach, teach and evangelize in private and public arenas to all people. Jesus gives the "Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18) and these signs shall follow them that believe.
Priscilla was a believer! What about you?
Bible References: (Acts 18; 1 Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 4:19)
About the Writer: Wanda is a licensed minister who leads a weekly prayer line, Yahweh's People Prayer Line Ministry. Join her every Tuesday evening 7:00 pm CST. Also, follow her ministry on Facebook by clicking, Yahweh's People Prayer Line Ministry.
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