Sunday, March 19, 2017

Day 19, Proverbs Chapter 19

Righteous Learning
Kimberly Casara

We can take from God's word in this scripture is to learn to be righteous in spite of others. Be righteous with others even your enemies. A righteous person can be trusted and can be consistent because he has great integrity. God forgives us everyday, who are we to hold on to anger and judge others. This scripture teaches us to be doers for God, to show how God's mercy is everlasting. We are suppose to have great morals, be pious, and humble. It is hard to practice being righteous on a daily basis because there is always someone who will get in the way of you being positive. We must learn to move pass those type of people and situations, and learn to pray for our enemies, neighbors, family and friends. We must learn to stop complaining and just praise God for what we have. We must be considerate to others, be giving and loving in spite how others may mistreat us. We must respect the word of God remembering how He wants us to live. It's not enough to go to church once a week and pray here and there. It's so easy to love those who are willing to accept righteousness, but we must challenge ourselves and reach out to those who are harder to transform to God's word. God is LOVE! In every situation good or bad we must learn to put God's word first. Plain and simple just keep in mind the acronym WWJD.

© 2015 by Kimberly Casara. All Rights Reserved.

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