Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Proverbs Chapter 25


A Due Season Word
Monica Rowe

The first verse I read relates to everyday life. Out of it I got that my god forgives and leave it at that, while man will find joy in your faults and tell others as well. The verse goes on to teach us not to over step our boundaries. Don’t play a role we weren’t asked or shouldn’t play, which bring me to verses 8-10. The sayings here are “if you have an issue with someone discuss it with them in private and let it stay there”. I just was faced with this and I didn’t go to them in private nor did I leave it amongst us because when I leave what the person said I quickly got angry. The verse goes on to say do not go to court hastily: for what will you do in the end. I quickly got up-set and in the end I was unprofessional in the work place and it resulted in corrective action. I could feel the spirit as I was reading and it help me to see my fault. I got from this to think before reacting. We should learn to put things in god’s hands. We try to fix things on our own or we even put trust in man. Trusting in man is like pouring salt on an open wound. People can give you temporary help while my god can renew you this is what I perceived from verse 19. From the incidence I mention early I stop speaking to the person, but in verse 21my god says to feed or give a drink even to your enemies. I have some praying and work to do. I believe these wise saying are from people who experience these things. I know we all can relate to not wanting to listen we our elders when they say things like: you don’t need him or you can do bad all by yourself. That’s the message a got from verse 24. It says that it’s better to be alone then with a contentious person. One day we can look up and we are displaying ways of a contentious person, we have to be aware of the company we keep. These things could cause you to lose yourself or even control over your spirit.

 Being out of the spirit of god is like a bird with no wings, you can’t do the things you were put here to do.

© 2015 by Monica Rowe. All Rights Reserved.

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