Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Proverbs Chapter 18

Title: You better watch your mouth! 
By Laverne AsIam ©

The bible says if you want wisdom to pray and God will give you wisdom. Here is our challenge today praying and separating ourselves from the world, and being still long enough to talk to God. What a daily challenge for us, but why?
The world’s laws/expectations are so opposite from biblical principles; remember this nursery rhyme that was used to deter children from blowing up when called a name; sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never harm me? Umm according to the bible words can kill? But do they kill us or our spirit? What is with all the instructions laid out in chapter 18?
The way I see it Chapter 18 is trying to help us in dealing with people, how we should get along with each other; our personal virtues. For our actions will bring a reaction from family, friends and the people we work with. Slet’s try to harness our tongue and pray on everything, ask for God’s wisdom. 

© 2015 by Lavern Aslam. All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is key to our Christian spiritual growth! Thanks for the insight Laverne!