Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Gomer "Completion"

Unconditional Love

The story of Gomer teaches us about how patience, loving and forgiving our God is. Gomer was a harlot (promiscuous) woman. God instructed Hosea to marry a harlot woman, so he married Gomer. Three children were born, but the Bible does not state that they were all Hosea's children. 

Eventually Gomer ran off to live the life she once lived, instead of accepting the second chance God had provided her with. We are blessed because our God gives more chances then we deserve. He instructed Hosea to go and love a woman that’s loving others and committing adulteries. God told him to love her like he loved the children of Israel. The children of Israel turned to a life of sin and worshipping other gods for a long time, yet in the end God forgave them. 

Hosea found his wife and then had to buy her back. He brought her for less than a maidservant would cost. To the world she wasn’t worth much, but to God she was still his child. God didn’t see a promiscuous woman, He saw a future testimony of his love, miracles and forgiveness. 

Reading about Gomer you can see that no matter what we do, God loves and forgives us even after we turn away from the direction He tries to takes us in. It’s nothing but another one of God’s miracles, to have a man marry a promiscuous woman, accept kids that are possibly not his, then have to buy her back. That’s nothing but the work of God, an example of how we should live. 

Ephesians 4: 32 and be kind to one another tenderhearted forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Bible references: Hosea 1-3

© 2016 by Monica Rowe. All Rights Reserved.

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