Friday, March 27, 2015

Proverbs Chapter 27

Put God First
Kathy Servick-Newsome

The Book of Proverbs is full of wisdom thoughts that if we as Christians would take heed to them, would certainly help us along this journey called – LIFE!

We should first remember that wisdom does not necessarily come because one is “smart, educated or has lived a long time.” - To me being “Smart, Educated or having lived a long life may insure that you know “What to Do” but having wisdom is knowing “What To do, How To Do and When To Do.”

There are many “Life Directions” in Proverbs 27, however the first two verses stand out to me each time I read the chapter. The Chapter begins with “Don’t brag about tomorrow, since you don’t know what the day will bring. Since we don’t own time or tomorrow, we cannot say definitely what will or will not happen. Therefore it would be wise for us to always acknowledge God in referencing any plans that we may think we have.

From a little girl up I often heard my mother say when referring to future events “If I live and Nothing Happens” or God Willing.” I heard it so much that I automatically adopted the saying when I referenced any plans. I didn’t fully realize it at the time but I was acknowledging that God is the Supreme Being and in charge of our lives and things can and will only happen if it is truly His Will. The chapter continues on to say “Let another man praise you and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips. - This verse reminds us that we should never be so proud and puffed up that we praise ourselves. We should not be so quick to “pat ourselves” on the back over anything that we have done – in doing so – we can lose focus on the good and in the process make it all about us when its God that should get the glory for all good things accomplished! We should allow our works to speak for us and let others acknowledge the work that has been done.

I read an article where the author told a story about a frog wanting to get away from the cold winter climate. Some geese suggested he migrate with them but the only problem was the frog couldn’t fly. The frog using his “Smarts” said “I’ve got a splendid brain” so he devised a plan where he asked the geese to pick up a strong reed, each one holding one end. The frog planned to hold on to the reed with his mouth - IT WORKED! In due time the geese and the frog started on their way. They were soon passing over a small town and all the people came out to see this unusual sight. Someone in the crowd said “who could have come up with such a brilliant idea?” The frog got so full of himself and puffed up over his accomplishment that he shouted out ‘I DID!” His pride was his undoing – for the very moment he opened his Big Mouth he lost his hold and fell to his death. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18)

These two verses remind me to always “Put God First” and to refrain from bragging and being prideful - God is the only One in control and “No one has ever choked to death from swallowing his pride”

© 2015 by Kathy Newsome. All Rights Reserved.

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