Saturday, March 28, 2015

Proverbs Chapter 27 (2)

More Wise Instructions
Wanda Cash

Proverbs 27, It gives us good teachings and standards to live by, such as the following:   We shouldn't boast, brag or become puffed up about tomorrow for we do not know what that day may bring.  It could bring joy or saddened; life or death.  Planning for tomorrow is time well spent, worrying about it is time wasted. Sometimes, it is difficult to tell the difference.  Careful planning is thinking ahead about goals, steps and schedules and trusting in God's guidance.  When done well planning can help alleviate worry. Worries in contrast are consumed by fear and find it difficult to trust God. You will let your plans interfere with your relationship with God.  Don't let worries about tomorrow affect your relationship with God today.  We shouldn't compare ourselves with others but with God's standards, it becomes obvious that we have no basis for pride. Don't worry about others accomplishments.  Instead ask yourself,  How does my life measure up to what God wants? How do my life compare to that of Jesus Christ?  Some people argue that it is all right to break God's law by sinning as long as no one get hurt.  The truth is somebody always gets hurt.  Example: In the case of adultery,  the spouse becomes devastated, children are scarred, even if the partners escape disease and unwanted pregnancy, they may lose their ability to fulfill commitment,  to feel sexual desires, to trust and be entirely open with another person.  

God's laws are not arbitrary.  They do not forbid good, clean fun rather,they warn us against destroying ourselves through unwise action or running ahead of God's timetables.  Open rebuke is better than secret love.   A friend who has your best interests at hand may have to give you unpleasant advice at times, but you know it is for your own good.  On the other hand an enemy, by contrast may whisper sweet words and happily send you on your way to ruin. A friend's advice is much better.  When we are quarreling and nagging steadily streaming unwanted advice is creates a form of torture.  Normally we nag because we feel that we are not getting through, stop nagging,  examine your motives.  Are we more concerned about overselves,  getting our way than about the person you are pretending to help?  If you are truly concerned,  surprise them with words of patience and love and see what happens.  There is a mental sharpness that comes from being around good people.  This requires partners who can challenge each other and stimulate thoughts-people who focus on the idea without involving their egos in the discussion, people who know how to attack the thought and not the thinker. Two friends who bring their ideas together can help each other become sharper.  People who stand behind you, who work hand and hand help you get the job done,  deserve to share in your success.  Be sure that in all your planning,  organizing and working you don't forget the people who are helping you the most.   Praise tests a person just as high temperature test metal. Your attitude towards praises tells a lot about your character.  People of high integrity are not swayed by praise.  Life is uncertain, we should all the more be diligent in preparing for the future.  We should act with foresight and giving responsible attention to our home, our family and our career.  We should be responsible stewards thinking ahead is a duty, not an option for God's People.

© 2015 by Wanda Cash. All Rights Reserved.

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