Sunday, March 29, 2015

Proverbs Chapter 29

Conscious Conduct
Pamela Collins

The book of Proverbs was written for the most part by SolomonProverbs teaches us wisdom and how it applies to our lives.  The book of Proverbs and each chapter gives us wisdom through different passagemessages and poems. Chapter 29, talks about the 2 different men and the effects of doing the wrong and right things in the eyesight of God. Chapter 29, consist of 27 versesbut will expound on the verses that really stands out with me.  

First, Proverbs 29:1 reads, “He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, Shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy." This verse talks about hardening of the heart, stiffening of the neck, due to repeated disobedience. This is doing something different from what God wants from us as His people. This verse addresses the person that is unwilling to listen and become unreasonable  and unteachable.  This form of insubordination to God could make us loose focus on who God is and what He wants from us, therefore causing Him to turn away from usWhen we consistently refuse to change our ways even when God has consistently told us how he want us to be, we as Christians will make many mistakes and sometimes not handle things in the correct way. 

Often times people may bring to our attention these things to help so that we don’t follow the same paths again. When these things are brought to our attention in a constructive way (In love, and you are able to tellwe must be very careful not to reject the criticism, hence the words “stiff neck”.  We must be able to be corrected.Remember the old saying,  “hard head makes a soft behind”. There are consequences to continued disobedience, when we consistently think we are right and everyone else  is wrong including God, this will cause God to turn us away and eventually destroy us, hence the word “without remedy”. When God cannot save you, then your life as it exist is doomed. 

Proverbs 29:2 reads “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: But when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." Can you imagine if the President of the United States did not believe in God and have reign over all of us? When the righteous are in authority, the needs of the community are taken care of. The needy are being fed, the children are being provided for, the elderly and handicapped are being taken in and cared for. Each person will look out for each other. A wicked ruler will not make good decision and would think of himself only. The wicked man causes trouble wherever he goes. If he is put in charge, he will cause problems for all around. 

Proverb 29:18 reads "Where there is no vision, the people perish: But he that keepeth the law, happy is he." This verse tells us when we do not heed the voice of God or except his guidance we often seem to go round and round in circles – never accomplishing anything. We will run to this one and that one, seeking answers which never seem to solve our problems or issues, instead of seeking God's guidance first. Those that seek God’s guidance never seem frustrated or at odds with themselves, but at peace at all times. The vision as spoken of is God and His Word. You simply cannot take in these Proverbs without gaining vision for your life. You will see what tomorrow brings by looking at what is going on around you. Anytime the people stand still and without vision, they will perish. The entire chapter talks about the conduct and the misconduct of man. Bad conduct  can bring grief and good conduct will bring rewards. So keep your focus on God’s purpose for your life and not on the worldly thingsPeople must know God’s ways and keep His rules. Keep His Commandments!

© 2015 by Pamela Collins. All Rights Reserved.

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