Thursday, March 9, 2017

Day 9, Proverbs Chapter 9

Evelyn Walker

Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn out her seven pillars.

What stood out to me in this particular verse was “she has hewn out her seven pillars”.   Well, I am a words person and I love definitions of words, so I looked up the word ‘hewn’.  It is defined by the Free Dictionary as, (Cut or shaped by hard blows)… there was more to definition but even this spoke to me. 
Our lives have been shaped by hard blows, whether the blows of life or physical and natural blows, most being unexpected and inflicted upon us by someone or some situation that we were not prepared for. But here in the Word, Wisdom took those cuts and hard blows and made 7 pillars.  The seven pillars are: 

1. Prudence
2. Knowledge & Discretion
3. Fear of God
4. Counsel
5. Sound Wisdom
6. Understanding
7.  Power

Do you have these seven pillars in your life?  Let’s talk a little about it.  

Prudence- Making wise decisions.  In your building your “house”, natural and spiritual, are you making wise decisions or emotional decisions based on your circumstances or situation?  Or are you making those decisions having been in the presence of the Father and “hearing” what he has to say about it? In making those decisions, if he didn’t speak right away, did you wait or get impatient and make your own choices? 

Knowledge & Discretion- Take information and uses it wisely and discreetly.  Are you a blabber mouth? Are you telling your neighbor things that the Father has told you in secret, that were for your benefit (and theirs eventually) but just for you now, for your family?  We must be wise in what we share. Some people cannot handle what God speaks because they are not yet at that level of maturity to know that discernment is necessary and if He has not released you to speak on it, that you should not say anything. Just rejoice in knowing that He is involved in your situation and he is working it out. Let the neighbors see the end result of the work God has done in you, for you and now, through you.

Fear of God- Honors God as Lord and reverences Him in decisions.  Prov. 3:4-6 admonishes us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and to lean NOT into our own understanding but in all our ways, ACKNOWLEDGE Him and he will direct our paths.  If we take our issues, problems, questions, worries, concerns and needs to Him requesting his wisdom, knowledge and understanding, then we HONOR him, our faith HONORS him and our trust in HIM will bring HONOR as well and because he knows that our hope is in him, he will answer us and give us direction.  Hallelujah!

Counsel- Advice or guidance from a knowledgeable person.  Wisdom built her house on the advice and guidance of those that she trusted.  She got advice and guidance from the Lord. He is the master builder, so he could give her the right tips, steps and measurements that she needed in order to build a home that would stand even when the enemy would come against it. He gave her the right dimensions to build a gate that would surround her home and protect her and those who “lived” there with her. 

Sound wisdomShe surrounds herself with those who give sound wisdom as well as she is in position to give someone else sound wisdom.  Apparently, it’s very important and strategic in building your house that you have around you people you trust, people who have WISDOM, people who hear from GOD, people who have discernment as well as you being all of those things to them and someone else who may need your wisdom.  Wisdom that is based on experience, trial and tribulation, breakthrough and coming through, taking a stand and overcoming, conquering and knowing how to show someone else how to do those same things. 

Understanding-  Revelation, know how, direction..   It’s important to understand what you are doing.  You cannot properly do anything when you have no experience in how to do it, what you need to do it or the tools and equipment you need to build it.  She seeks God to understand her purpose, plan and destiny for her life. 

Power- She gains power when she understands that all the other pillars work together and in having that understanding, therefore gains power. Power to build, to change, to transform, to become, to do, to live, to live, to forgive, to love and to have great success!!!  

© 2015 by Evelyn Walker. All Rights Reserved.


Unknown said...

Yes I have the 7 pillars working! Thanks for the insight Evelyn. Mona

Unknown said...

powerfull, lets talk a little about it..

WillowTree4Me said...

Very powerful and enlightening.