Thursday, August 27, 2015

Deborah "Honey Bee"


Deborah  was the fourth judge to have judged over the Children of Israel, after the death of Joshua. During her time, Deborah was a famous women and a famous prophet. Although times were difficult; Deborah remained true to God. Being wise and God fearing, were attributes that caused people to flock to Deborah for advice and help. Deborah was well respected and a great influence with the Children of Israel. Deborah was an influential figure in helping the Children of Israel obtain freedom. Jewish people were in despair and suffered terribly, before prophetess Deborah became a judge. Before Deborah became a judge, the people of Israel were under the cruel rule of King Jabin, whose commander was Sisera for twenty years, but due to them being faithful and following her who heard from God they eventually defeated King Jabin. Isn't it  just like God to give you strength and victory when feel that all is lost. Deborah - warrior, couselor, wife, and leader!

The keys to Deborah’s success and our success is linked to obedience. Allowing God to lead you instead of doing it your way takes discipline.

Bible references: Judges 4-5

LaTara is a daughter, sister, wife, mother, and trusted friend. A true servant of the Lord Jesus Christ on the path of purpose headed in the direction of her destiny.

© 2015 by LaTara Lane. All Rights Reserved.

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