Monday, August 10, 2015

Hannah "Graciousness" or "Favor"

A Woman of Distinction
LaTanya D! Hinton

Hannah, whose name derives from the word ‘graciousness’, wanted to give her husband Elkanah, a child, however she was barren.  Elkanah, who loved Hannah, had another wife, Peninah, also Hannah’s adversary. She had sons and daughters. Every year, Elkanah would go to the Tabernacle in Shilol to worship and offer Sacrifices to the LORD of Hosts. He would give Peninah and all her children Sacrifices and Hannah would receive her worthy portion. The Lord did this for the purpose of testing Hannah’s faith. One particular year after being provoked by Peninah about being barren, Hannah went to the House of the LORD where she wept and didn’t eat. (1 Samuel 1:1-7) Elkanah was oblivious of the tension between the two wives. After finally participating in the Peace Offering, Hannah got up and went to The Temple of the Lord.   There, she was very fervent and effective in worship and prayer, begging and pouring her heart out to the Lord to give her a male child, who she promised to dedicate to HIM, if He granted her request, with the conditions of never putting a razor to his head.  Being so engaged in prayer, Hannah was falsely accused of being drunk by the High Priest. Once Hannah expressed that she had poured out her soul to the LORD, Eli the High Priest told her to “go in peace and the GOD of Israel grant you your petition that you have asked of HIM.”  Hannah in turn asked for the LORD to find grace in HIS sight. Hannah went to eat and was no longer sad. She knew her prayers had been answered.  (1 Samuel 1:8-18)
After waking up the next morning early and worshipping before the LORD and returning to their house in Ramah, Elkanah and Hannah showed one another love and the LORD remember Hannah’s request. It came to pass that Hannah not only conceived but also gave birth to a son named Samuel, meaning “Because I have asked of the LORD.”  Elkanah and his household went to give a Thank Offering to the LORD, however, Hannah stayed home with their son Samuel until he was weaned from his mother’s milk.  Once weaned, she took him to the Tabernacle with Sacrifices, a Thank Offering, and a Drink Offering.  They went to the House of the LORD in Shiloh where Samuel was brought to Eli, the High Priest. Hannah stood before the LORD and painfully kept her promise. (1 Samuel 1:19-28) 
Samuel stayed and ministered to the LORD. Elkanah and Hannah would visit Samuel when Elkanah came to offer the yearly sacrifice. Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife by praying that Jehovah will give Hannah her children to be her own. The LORD remembered Hannah and she conceived three sons and two daughters as Samuel grew before the LORD. (1 Samuel 2:182:20-21)
Hannah’s Song of Thanksgiving
 1 SAMUEL 2:1-10
While worshipping Hannah prayed in the Spirit of Prophecy in a poetic form, making her a Poetess and Prophetess. Her words manifested into a powerful testimony to the principle of endurance through trials (Romans 5:3-4) 
Although we experience difficulties, they help us to grow. We are to rejoice in suffering because God is using life’s challenges and Satan’s attacks to build our character and perseverance, deepen our trust in God, and give us greater confidence about the future. We are able to deal with all things in HIS strength.
This particular WOMAN OF DISTINCTION, Hannah is one that I can truly relate to as I have had struggles with giving birth. Suffering the loss of 1 pregnancy by termination and 6 miscarriages. Hannah’s story gives me one of many reasons to continue increasing my prayers, faith, trust, and hope in the LORD as well as asking for His grace, mercy, and favor.

La Tanya is currently an active Sunday School Teacher for juniors, tutor, seasoned Certified Nursing Assistant with a special love for special needs and medically fragile children with Cerebral Palsy, and Poetess.  La Tanya has copyrighted poems that are multi-dimensional. She acknowledges that while she has a great deal of untapped potential that needs to be unleashed, GOD has given her the gift of taking words, thoughts and feelings and making them poetically explosive to meet the souls of HIS CHOSEN. 
© 2015 by Latanya Hinton. All Rights Reserved.

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