Friday, July 24, 2015

Rahab "Storm"

Latrice Tucker
"From Rags to Riches"

Rahab was a prostitute who lived in Jericho. The bible doesn't speak of her having a husband, but she had nearly every man in town. But can you believe that she was considered the richest woman in town? Just before the famous battle of Jericho the prostitute decided to take a stand and that stand was on the side of God's people. I doubt if anyone ever knew that God had favor over Rahab. Do you know why God had favor over her? It was because Rahab had faith. What! A prostitute having Faith in GOD impossible right? Wrong! Even with the worst reputation in town she had something more than others and that was her Faith. Faith is action and Rahab took action. She hid the spies and because she did God saw favor, he saw favor in her Faith and it is Faith that moves God.

But God didn't just save Rahab he saved her entire household, because Faith was there. When the battle was done and the fire was out Rahab's house was the only house standing and all of her property was intact. Do you see how Faith saved a woman that was a prostitute and who had the worst rep in town.

How strong is your Faith? You may not have the worst reputation but you may be battling something that has your Faith stretched to the limit. You may be going through something that makes you question God and his reasons for allowing you to be so burdened. Grab your "Mustard Seed" and chip away at it. Let it restore your faith. Watch how your troubles will cease, you will keep your property (just as Rahab did) and you and your house will be saved. Remember God has favor on you, you have Faith and Faith is what moves God.

Ladies you too can become one of the richest women in town.

God Bless!

Bible references:  Joshua 2:1-21; 6:17-25; Matthew 1:5; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25

Latrice is an Author and Motivational Speaker walking on the path that God has placed before her. Purchase her new book release, I Was Not Built to Break today at Amazon.

© 2015 by Latrice Tucker. All Rights Reserved.

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