Monday, July 13, 2015

The Woman of Samaria

Karen Holmes
"Worship At the Well"

The Woman at the Well is a personal experience that would change the life of this woman who had to make some difficult choices concerning her personal and private life. The first step always involves trust & belief in another man (JESUS). 

She waited until the hottest time of the day( noon ) to avoid the women gossipers at Jacob's Well. She felt isolated & some what ashamed. Sin makes you feel dark and isolation becomes a familiar trap. Friendless to say the least. But she had no friend who she could trust to hold her secrets close to her heart (no one). They talked bad about her and made her feel unwanted. Friends will make you feel like the very things that you are doing is none of their business. 

She reached the well, where she encountered a man by the name of JESUS. He began to ask her several questions concerning her lifestyle. He also asked her for a drink of water, we'll just like some of us today, the question was WHY?? It was roaming through her mind. Jesus told her that he could give her Living Water, where she would never thirst no more. Jesus remained cool, calm and collected to gain her assurance. Just like so often He does to us. He then proceeds to talk to her and to drop the bomb by telling her past of the five husbands she had and that the one she is currently living with isn't hers. Jesus already knew.  Well, to her surprise no one knew about the affairs or so she thought. Jesus knows all about our secrets. She was astonished and replied, "who are you talking to, don't you know that I'm a Samaritan and you are a Jew?" The two didn't mix or mingle. 

Finally, the woman at the well knew that she had encountered a prophet. She was totally convinced this man was sent by God. From that moment on her life had instantly changed. God will take an ordinary day and turn it into something spectacular, appointed & ordained. Before the woman could have her encounter with Jesus I believe that this woman had been walking around  numb to her circumstances like some of us. She had been living in sin for some time until her situation seemed normal. Being around other women and wives made her a target for gossip. She needed to come clean and have her own truths be told . She was a second class citizen among the women. Jesus informs her that if she drank from this Living Water she will never thirst again. 

She later went on to become a powerful woman of God used mightily by him. The very thing that was hidden in her heart and that sin that she had been struggling with is now a thing of the past.  God had turned it around and used it for his glory. Jesus made it known to her that her deliverance was hers, yesterday, today and forever more and she would never thirst again. Translation-there is no need to live in sin and be used by someone else spouse (The Devil). God will give you the desires of your heart if only you will drink the Living Water from the well that supplies your every need.

Lesson: This woman is no different when it comes to love, intimacy and fellowship. Jesus provided her with all the Love, intimacy and fellowship that she had been seeking out in her 6 affairs. Jesus can keep you and provide your needs just as He did with the woman at the well. So wait until God sends your husband to you. In the mean time continue to love, fellowship and pursue your destiny. He will find you busy in the fields.

Bible references: John 4:1-42

Karen Holmes works with students who have learning disabilities.She has a passion for people who face difficult challenges. A mother of 5 adult children and 6 grand children. During her spare time she has launched several ministries including Sister-Circle, African American Leadership Club, ETA Sigma Step Team just to name a few. Sunday School Teacher. VBS teacher. Her most recent endeavor is Social Media where she uses her platform to reach millions of people through positive, inspirational and encouraging words. As God continues to open doors for her, she is the voice for her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Finally she is an advocate for the voices all who she comes in contact with and the Business Owner of TNK's Fragrance and Jewelry. Ladies follow her on Facebook at Sista Circle.

© 2015 by Karen Holmes. All Rights Reserved.

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