Monday, October 5, 2015

Mary "Bitterness"

by Amy L. Hugle

As I ride along this beautiful stretch of land known to many as “God’s Country,” I marvel and ponder, about His wondrous, miraculous works. He performs miracles continuously around the clock, all over the world. Not to dissipate or downplay any of his miraculous achievements, for I too, am a walking miracle and recipient of His mercy and grace. However, in my opinion, Mary, the Mother of Jesus was bestowed the greatest miracle of God’s people. Read on as I share a brief history followed by an analysis of this beautiful woman’s faith, humbleness, and endurance.

Little is known of Mary’s personal history. She was of the tribe of Judah and the lineage of King David. While she resided in Nazareth with her parents, before she became the wife of Joseph, the angel Gabriel announced to her that she was to be the mother of the promised Messiah. Joseph was supernaturally made aware of her condition, and took her to his own home (married her) and soon became Jesus’ adoptive father.

Analysis: Our personal history and the family that we come from, although at times is noteworthy and significant, we should not allow this from moving forward in Christ.

Soon after the census decree by Augustus required that Joseph and Mary should proceed to Bethlehem; and while they were there they found no shelter in the inn, because the inn was crowded they had to retire to a place among the cattle.

Analysis: Life circumstances may require us to leave our comfort zone or area of familiarity. In addition, sometimes when we arrive in a new place it may not be to what we are accustomed. It is at that time that we must exercise our faith and know that God’s ultimate plan is for our good.

"…and there she brought forth her son, who was called Jesus, because he was to save his people from their sins."

Analysis: The Lord chose, through the power of the Holy Ghost, to impregnate Mary. She gave birth to Jesus Christ, the son of God. A feat so miraculous, men to this day ponder! I can imagine even Mary herself, wondered and questioned, “why me Lord,” I am no one of significance,” “there is little to share of my past life,” but isn’t it wonderful how the Lord, will choose the least of us to do mighty acts! All He needs is someone that has a level of faith (we know sometimes we can be a little hesitant i.e., Moses) , however, if we step out on faith as obedient, humble and willing vessels, we can do great things and perform miracles through the power of the Holy Ghost!

This was followed by the presentation in the temple, the flight into Egypt, and their return in the following year and residence in Nazareth. There for thirty years Mary resides, filling her own humble sphere, and pondering over the strange things that had happened to her. After the commencement of our Lord’s public ministry, little notice is taken of Mary with the exception of the following: She was present at the marriage in Canaan. A year and a half after this we find her at Capernaum, where Christ uttered the memorable words, “Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!” The next time we find her is at the cross along with her sister Mary, and Mary Magdalene, and Salome, and other women. From that hour John took her to his own abode. She was with the disciples in the upper room after the Ascension and received the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost. From this time, she wholly disappears from public notice. The time and manner of her death are unknown.

Although in human form, Jesus was killed, but He arose on the third day with all Power! I can imagine, at that time, Mary fully realized and fulfilled, God’s purpose for her life!

Analysis: Although Mary the one chosen to give birth to Jesus Christ, was the recipient of what I think is the greatest miracle to ever take place, she never became “puffed up,” or “took advantage,” over that fact. She served as a dotting, loving mother and never was selfish with him. How many of us, as mothers, would stand by idly knowing our son had healed the sick, raised the dead, fed multitudes and still was lied on, beaten, bruised and even killed? However, Mary the mother of Jesus humbly served as the mother of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Mary the woman that gave birth to Jesus Christ, is truly an awesome, humble, magnificent woman of God.

Bible references: Matthew 1:18-25; 2; Luke 1:26-80; 2; John 19:25-27

Amy attended Northeastern University where she obtained a Bachelor’s Degree with a focus on Management and Education. From 1990 – Present: Works for the Department of Housing and Urban Development where for the past 15 years she has operated as a Community Planning and Development Representative in Chicago, IL. She has been a member of Monroe Baptist Church in Bellwood, IL  for approximately 15 years where she has served in many capacities i.e.: Wednesday Night Youth Bible Study teacher, Vacation Bible School teacher, Pastor’s Aide Committee, Women’s Day Chair , and Sister Circle Ministry. Currently she serves as the Announcement Clerks President, Praise Dance and Mime Ministry Director, and Deaconess. She loves to attend and participate in Sunday School. When time permits, she loves to read various writings and books and pen her thoughts through writing. She is a wife, mother, sister, and friend. Amy just recently celebrated 1 year of marriage and combined has 9 children, which makes her a busy lady, however, she never tires from running for the Lord. It is her desire to continue to be a servant leader in whatever capacity the Lord chooses. It is also her desire to enlighten and witness about the Good News of Jesus Christ, whenever and wherever, an opportunity presents itself.

© 2015 by Amy L. Hugle. All Rights Reserved.

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