Friday, April 1, 2016

Michal "Who Is Like God"

Ms. Camil Davis

Michal-The Daring Diva for Love

The love story of Michal & David (found in the book of 1 Samuel) opens up by revealing that King Saul is the father of the beautiful Michal. David and Saul have been going through a rivalry where Saul had been so jealous of David having God’s favor that Saul was always plotting against him to have him killed. The best plot of all came when David wanted to marry one of Saul’s daughters, which would allow David access into the royal family to become son-in-law to the king. At first David is promised Saul’s first daughter, Merab; however, Saul goes against his word and marries Merab off to someone else. Luckily for David, Saul has another daughter who actually has eyes for David, Michal. The scripture tells us “and Michal, Saul’s daughter loved David: and they told Saul, and the thing pleased him.” (1 Samuel 18: 20) 

Saul promises to give Michal to David under one condition-David must bring Saul 100 Philistine foreskins in exchange for the traditional bride price to be paid. Thinking he finally had David in a position to be destroyed, Saul figures there is no way David could actually kill 100 Philistines and complete the challenge! Now was his chance to have David killed! But David,having grace with God, completed the challenge and won Michal’s hand in marriage.

Although David completed Saul’s initial challenge, the danger didn’t stop there. Saul actually became more afraid of David, and the love his daughter had for him, and so Saul plots to kill David again! The scripture reads “Saul also sent messengers unto David’s house, to watch him, and to slay him in the morning: and Michal, David’s wife told him, saying if thou save not thy life tonight, tomorrow thou shalt be slain. So Michal let David down through a window: and he went, and fled, and escaped.” (1 Samuel 19: 11-12) Here we see Michal not only helps David escape, but a little further in the passage, she intentionally deceives her father’s guards when they arrive to arrest David by creating a ploy. She uses a figurine under a blanket, to make the guards think that David is in bed sick! It only works for a little while until Saul becomes so angry he doesn’t care if David is sick or not, he just wants to get his hands on David. By then it’s too late, David has already escaped off unto safety.

The story of Michal & David continues on past this, but examining just this piece of the narrative shows us some interesting characteristics about Michal as a woman. It is safe to say that Michal loved David very deeply to risk her relationship with her father. As I read through this passage, I could easily identify with Michal and the actions she took to protect the one she loved. Sometimes being in love will cause you to do things you may not normally consider, and so her actions were proof that her relationship with David may have been based on emotion and deep love. Ask yourself, how many times have you risked danger to be with someone you cared about? And what were some of the characteristics of that person that made you feel it was worth doing that? In the instance of David, we knew that he was a man after God’s own heart. Not only was he handsome, he was wise, brave, talented, and feared God. All of the qualities we women think of when we think of someone we would go out of our way for. 

When we think of the story from David’s perspective, we notice that because God favored David, he provided him with many ways of escape through Saul’s many murderous attempts. This shows us that when God has a plan for our life, no matter what dangers may come our way; he will always provide us a way of escape. The scripture from Philippians 1: 6 comes to mind “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” So in this regard God has given Michal the important role of helping to carry out God’s great plan for David’s life, which would eventually lead to the birth of our savior Jesus! 

My appreciation for Michal has increased from studying this woman and her role in participating in the coming of our king Jesus. Bravery might be tough in the moment but results it can bring, if done for the right reasons can bring forth a lifelong celebration!

Bible references: 1 Samuel 18:20-29; 19:11-17; 2 Samuel 6:16-23

Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, King James version

Camil Davis
Personal Growth Coach, Bounds & Crowns LLC

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