Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Day 14, Proverbs Chapter 14

Krystal Servick

“Folly of a Fool”

As I began to do my research on Proverbs Chapter 14 I continued to see “Folly of a Fool”. When I read the entire chapter I understood why, but I more so understood why by speaking with my Godmother who is a minister. In this chapter there are two types of women being compared. In each verse it talks about one woman being wise and the other being a fool.

One of the verses that stood out to me was verse 6 and it reads, “A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not; but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth.

As I was speaking to my Godmother she was reading the footnotes of her study bible, and it said, “We all know mockers, people who scoff off at every word of instruction or advice. (imsure we all know someone like this) they never find wisdom because they don’t take it seriously. Wisdom comes to those who apply God’s word in their lives and seek out godly counselors. If the wisdom you need does not come easily to you, perhaps your attitude is the barrier. MY GOD!!! I remember hearing a lot of my leaders or Pastor’s say, “It’s one thing to come to church on Sunday for morning worship or Wednesday night for Mid-week explosion, but it’s worth nothing if what you learned you aren’t taking outside of the church and applying it to your life”. COME ON SOMEBODY! If you are unable to receive God’s word and seek him then it can’t be anything BUT your attitude. How do we expect God to continue to feed us and bless us if our attitude is JACKED UP! Don’t be a scorner, be the wise woman and continue to stay in your word, seek God’s face and continue to apply what you learn to your life. This is so important because how can you help someone else who is in need of a good encouraging word if you don’t know the word!?

Another verse that stood out to me was verse 12 and it reads, “There is a way which seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Easy choices should always make us take a second look and ask questions, the right choice should always be a challenge, will require hard work, dedication and sacrifice. In the study bible it says, “Don’t be enticed by apparent shortcuts that seem right, but end in death”. Too many times it seems like the easiest decisions are the best decisions and in the end something always ends up happening that shouldn’t have, but that’s because we didn’t stop to evaluate the decisions we made.

This entire chapter is saying don’t be foolish, don’t think about you and only you, being arrogant, avoid the wise, and feed off of trash and foolishness, but be wise, live and enjoy life in a healthy way with God being the center of it all. A person who is foolish will NEVER be chosen as a leader because they can’t be trusted, but I WANT YOU TO CHOOSE TO BE WISE and become a great leader for God and his people, because if you don’t everything you have will fall apart by the hands of YOU! Everybody blames EVERYTHING bad on the devil that happens to them, but let’s keep it real some of us have NOT been wise in certain situations and have caused trouble in our own lives because we didn’t make the right decision. I will be the first to say I have made some decisions that I blame myself for not God, not the devil, but myself because A: I knew better and B: I wanted to take the easy way out, but as I began to worship God more, give like I am supposed to, praise my way through some things and spend more time with him he continued to bless me, open up doors I never thought would open and most importantly began to think about my decisions and be more wise about myself and my decisions. I challenge each and every one of you who are reading this to be wise, seek God’s word, and apply to your life what you learn and what he reveals to you. I PROMISE you will feel so much better not only about yourself, but about the fact that you have a relationship with God, and that you can help others with what you know and learn and most importantly you won’t be known as the foolish woman, but the wise woman.

© 2015 by Krystal Servick, All Rights Reserved.


Unknown said...

What an awesome study! Thanks for the personal touch! Thanks to your Godmother also!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the reminder of practicing what we receive and slowing down to think about things. Great over view of this chapter.

Unknown said...

Great interpretation.