Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Proverbs Chapter 31

A Virtuous Woman
Ronshanta Washington

Proverbs 31 as a whole is about the strength, leadership, and wisdom of a woman, mother, and wife. It starts off with lessons being taught to a king through a mother's love and wisdom. King Lemuel's mother teaches him how to conduct himself as a noble king and how to lead and care for the people under his leadership. This part of the scripture really focuses on drunkenness and a warning “not to give thy strength unto women”. First I’d like to point out the meaning of Lemual which is “devoted to God”. I’m assuming this very wise woman his mother gave him this name along with a set of standards to help him live up to it. As a devoted man of God and leader he was warned not to lust after women like so many men do, especially men of power and prestige because this behavior would only ruin him. As far as drunkenness goes a man or person cannot effectively lead when his judgment is clouded by alcohol. We all know the saying “Gin make you sin” and “Goose make you loose”, "the blind cannot lead the blind." This particular passage also relates so well to all the single mothers out here that are raising young kings of their own and the importance of guidance and pouring wisdom so that he may one day lead as a man of God himself. 

Which brings me to the second part of this chapter the characteristics of a good wife/woman. This great woman of God has multiple roles. She’s a mother, wife, business woman, and activist just to name a few that possesses great wisdom and many skills. “Strength and honor are her clothing, she speaks with wisdom and kindness”. This wife is perfect on every level. She works hard, hustles hard, she's an outstanding mother and wife, who cares for others outside of her home. She is praised and blessed by those around her, she is a Phenomenal Woman!!! As a woman myself there’s no way I can be this woman, but what I can do is be inspired to learn from her and do the best that I can do and ask God to do the rest. 

Lastly I’d like to point out that as women we often complain of the many hats we have to wear yet as the scripture proves this is nothing new and because of this we are strong, resilient, amazing, insightful, courageous, and along with obedience and prayer we become Wise and we are all Phenomenal Women!!!!

© 2015 by Ronshanta Washington. All Rights Reserved.

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