Friday, June 5, 2015

Anna "Grace"


Anna was a prophetess and the daughter of Phanuel who was from the tribe of Asher, which belong to the Northern tribe of Israel who had rebelled against God. Her parents were elderly and hoped for a strong son in law when she was given in marriage.

Her husband was a prophet who died seven years after their marriage - having married young Anna never remarried. She returned home to help with her parents after the death of her husband. Upon the death of her parents she moved to the temple where she spent decades fasting, praying, helping and serving in the community.

At age 84 she heard Simeon testifying and praising Jesus in the temple,with Joseph and Mary at Jesus' purification ritual. She also prophesied of the baby Jesus, of his coming to save the world as the Messiah. Here she took on the role of an evangelist, telling everyone that baby Jesus was the promised King that was to come out of Jerusalem. 

The pain Mary would bear, was foretold by Simeon, the prophet who had prayed expecting to die on the day Jesus made his entrance to the temple. (Luke 2:36-38)

According to Deuteronomy chapter 26 once the Israelites were settled in the new land that the Lord had given them,they were to set aside every 3rd year provisions for the foreigners, the widows and the orphans. Anna being a widow fell under this provision.

Jesus was raised in Nazareth a city in Galilee, a despised place, Thank God for the Father Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.

Bible references: Luke 2:22-38

Missionary Powell is a member of Monroe Baptist Church where she serves as a Missionary and Youth Bible study teacher. She received her Associates Degree from Benedictine College. She retired from AT&T after 32 years of employment. She loves the Lord, His Word, her family, and traveling. In September she will be celebrating the big "70"!

© 2015 by Armeade Powell. All Rights Reserved.

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