Friday, June 12, 2015

Delilah "Dainty One"

Past, Present and Future

My woman from the bible is Delilah. Reading about Delilah reminded me of how we let our past affect our future. Delilah was a known prostitute and yet a man name Samson fell in love with her. Samson was a strong man who was undefeated and killed a lot of philistines. They were out for revenge and made an offer with her to find his weakness then all the Philistines would give her eleven hundred pieces of silver each. 

Samson loved Delilah regardless of her past, but that wasn’t enough for her, she accepted their offer. Having someone love you after you have loved many for money should be priceless. Delilah couldn’t let her past ways go after she was given a new start. Delilah tried 3-4 times to get Samson to tell her his secret, but he lied several times until he finally gave in. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it". God did just that - each lie Samson told Delilah was her escape, but the temptation was there and she couldn’t overcome it. Delilah causes the death of lots of people including Samson after she enticed him, learned his weakness and set him up. How many of us are still letting the past into the future? Jesus gives us chance after chance, but we don’t get it until we have caused unnecessary problems to ourselves or others. 

I chose Delilah as an example of what not to do and not to be a victim of your past. Talk to God about the bad choices, pray about it and let it go. The Past helps build you either good/bad to make better decisions;The Present is a second chance to make better decision; The future is succeeding and telling your testimony.

Bible references: Judges 16:4-22

Monica Rowe is a member of Monroe Baptist Church where she serves as an Angelic Choir Sponsor. She is a Certified Medical Assistant. She loves to cook, be involved in family functions, and use her creative juices to make shirts and tu-tus.

© 2015 by Monica Rowe. All Rights Reserved.

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