Friday, June 19, 2015

Martha "Lady" Mary "Bitterness"

Min. Gloria Coleman
"Sister Sister"

Mary and Martha were both sisters of Lazarus and friends of Jesus.

Jesus went to Bethany a small village on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives  to visit His friends Mary, Martha and Lazarus. When Jesus arrived, Mary sat at His feet, but Martha started making dinner and attending to household chores. While Martha was doing all the work she became irritated that Mary just sat at Jesus’ feet and spoke on it. Luke 10:40-42 Martha asks Jesus to tell Mary to help her but Jesus replies to Martha, don’t worry about all those details. He was implying that Mary was sitting and enjoying the visit and she should also.

A few Key details of the visit


1. Sat at Jesus’ feet


1. Worried about details

2. Wanted to please and serve

3. Found it hard to relax and enjoy Jesus’ visit

4. Found it hard to accept Mary’s  lack of help

Bible references: Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1-12:3; Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1-12:11

Min. Coleman is a member of Monroe Baptist Church where she serves as an Associate Minister. She received her Master's of Theology from Grand Canyon University. She also works as an Insurance Agent and seamstress.

© 2015 by Gloria Coleman. All Rights Reserved.

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